all postcodes in AB41 / ELLON

find any address or company within the AB41 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB41 8NW 1 1 57.363829 -2.096517
AB41 8NX 4 0 57.36377 -2.092428
AB41 8NY 2 0 57.357919 -2.110634
AB41 8NZ 1 0 57.358851 -2.098382
AB41 8PA 12 6 57.364443 -2.11424
AB41 8PB 6 1 57.358132 -2.119888
AB41 8PD 3 0 57.353319 -2.127517
AB41 8PE 8 0 57.36665 -2.143556
AB41 8PF 6 0 57.375428 -2.141928
AB41 8PG 1 0 57.404176 -2.130573
AB41 8PH 11 0 57.404104 -2.138411
AB41 8PT 12 0 57.384145 -2.138635
AB41 8PJ 1 0 57.350163 -2.112118
AB41 8PL 14 0 57.346671 -2.0981
AB41 8PN 3 0 57.363259 -2.131009
AB41 8PP 12 0 57.369632 -2.11818
AB41 8PQ 3 1 57.370494 -2.110822
AB41 8PR 1 0 57.37372 -2.126341
AB41 8PS 4 1 57.384912 -2.126246
AB41 8PU 5 0 57.411607 -2.10916