all postcodes in AB41 / ELLON

find any address or company within the AB41 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB41 7DG 12 0 57.422873 -2.238118
AB41 7DH 18 0 57.423024 -2.238635
AB41 7DJ 15 0 57.430748 -2.219633
AB41 7DL 4 0 57.42848 -2.206397
AB41 7DN 3 0 57.439096 -2.218051
AB41 7DP 5 0 57.434407 -2.202067
AB41 7DQ 2 0 57.42846 -2.192513
AB41 7DR 4 0 57.431498 -2.185118
AB41 7DS 17 3 57.424897 -2.240928
AB41 7DT 30 5 57.427347 -2.242426
AB41 7DU 15 1 57.429381 -2.249567
AB41 7DX 15 0 57.428962 -2.277991
AB41 7DY 5 1 57.424705 -2.265387
AB41 7DZ 6 0 57.424357 -2.236995
AB41 7EA 5 0 57.421418 -2.264997
AB41 7EB 4 0 57.416296 -2.253762
AB41 7ED 3 0 57.424135 -2.249365
AB41 7EF 51 0 57.422169 -2.235099
AB41 7EH 9 1 57.418126 -2.240035
AB41 7EJ 5 0 57.420674 -2.232293