all postcodes in AB41 / ELLON

find any address or company within the AB41 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB41 6QX 7 0 57.284042 -2.09941
AB41 6QY 8 0 57.289244 -2.118768
AB41 6RA 2 0 57.29328 -2.119697
AB41 6RB 3 0 57.296481 -2.122209
AB41 6RD 4 0 57.297292 -2.109982
AB41 6RE 4 0 57.301183 -2.085383
AB41 6RF 7 0 57.311035 -2.153415
AB41 6RG 12 0 57.311636 -2.154364
AB41 6RH 6 0 57.310402 -2.085591
AB41 6RJ 5 0 57.310519 -2.163423
AB41 6RT 10 0 57.323053 -2.193185
AB41 6RU 11 0 57.321336 -2.181902
AB41 6RX 8 0 57.317499 -2.183045
AB41 6RY 4 0 57.309504 -2.166111
AB41 6SA 6 0 57.307295 -2.188787
AB41 6SB 8 0 57.307644 -2.163941
AB41 6SD 18 1 57.298064 -2.152913
AB41 6SE 8 0 57.296733 -2.13955
AB41 6SH 1 0 57.293629 -2.151053
AB41 6SJ 10 0 57.297236 -2.168657