all postcodes in AB42 / PETERHEAD

find any address or company within the AB42 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB42 2BD 43 0 57.502107 -1.802569
AB42 2BE 12 0 57.496179 -1.802851
AB42 2BF 26 1 57.496803 -1.799911
AB42 2BG 43 0 57.502743 -1.801347
AB42 2BH 40 0 57.503128 -1.800511
AB42 2BJ 60 0 57.503585 -1.79954
AB42 2BL 14 0 57.50442 -1.799502
AB42 2BN 22 0 57.5051 -1.79768
AB42 2BP 20 0 57.504963 -1.796446
AB42 2BQ 48 0 57.503663 -1.797905
AB42 2BR 24 0 57.504315 -1.795782
AB42 2BS 28 0 57.504147 -1.797435
AB42 2BT 22 0 57.504191 -1.797017
AB42 2BW 58 0 57.498214 -1.799887
AB42 2DB 4 0 57.502025 -1.807708
AB42 2DE 12 0 57.500472 -1.807917
AB42 2DG 17 0 57.501151 -1.805844
AB42 2DH 11 0 57.499581 -1.807237
AB42 2DL 8 0 57.500467 -1.810904
AB42 2DP 8 0 57.497438 -1.812942