all postcodes in AB42 / PETERHEAD

find any address or company within the AB42 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB42 2YT 20 0 57.493747 -1.792871
AB42 2YU 18 0 57.489892 -1.792009
AB42 2YW 12 0 57.501779 -1.805324
AB42 2YX 8 0 57.493758 -1.793872
AB42 2YY 1 1 57.489516 -1.790547
AB42 2YZ 10 0 57.501293 -1.804358
AB42 2ZA 28 0 57.494215 -1.799041
AB42 2ZB 41 0 57.493818 -1.797542
AB42 2ZX 9 2 57.491831 -1.79422
AB42 2UH 17 0 57.505015 -1.818506
AB42 2UT 50 0 57.506017 -1.816282
AB42 2UA 18 0 57.506731 -1.818898
AB42 2UB 32 0 57.50562 -1.814649
AB42 2ZY 1 57.505728 -1.786428
AB42 2UD 41 0 57.506825 -1.815861
AB42 2US 6 0 57.50698 -1.817529