all postcodes in AB42 / PETERHEAD

find any address or company within the AB42 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB42 3GY 9 9 57.488431 -1.805228
AB42 3GZ 3 3 57.493287 -1.808922
AB42 3HA 4 0 57.611817 -1.851186
AB42 3HB 3 0 57.595199 -1.84633
AB42 3HD 28 1 57.560298 -1.842232
AB42 3HE 10 2 57.591681 -1.88266
AB42 3HF 3 0 57.589538 -1.876512
AB42 3HG 5 0 57.582686 -1.878257
AB42 3HH 2 0 57.580339 -1.881046
AB42 3HJ 4 0 57.593396 -1.891888
AB42 3HL 4 0 57.572861 -1.890378
AB42 3HN 4 0 57.559702 -1.839644
AB42 3HQ 6 0 57.562527 -1.866992
AB42 3HR 3 0 57.568385 -1.88775
AB42 3HS 5 0 57.57647 -1.87422
AB42 3HT 12 0 57.558615 -1.840234
AB42 3HU 4 0 57.558102 -1.839033
AB42 3HW 29 0 57.418459 -1.853346
AB42 3HY 10 0 57.557748 -1.83636
AB42 3HZ 30 0 57.418137 -1.854463