all postcodes in AB42 / PETERHEAD

find any address or company within the AB42 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB42 3ED 11 2 57.506572 -1.892495
AB42 3EE 2 0 57.55747 -1.847897
AB42 3EF 1 0 57.562098 -1.845032
AB42 3EG 2 0 57.559381 -1.839199
AB42 3EJ 7 0 57.527033 -1.820017
AB42 3EL 7 0 57.53638 -1.823478
AB42 3EN 9 0 57.54869 -1.826944
AB42 3EP 9 6 57.570622 -1.838192
AB42 3ER 2 0 57.579823 -1.868807
AB42 3EU 3 0 57.593153 -1.863585
AB42 3EW 12 0 57.473087 -1.782334
AB42 3EX 1 0 57.599091 -1.864416
AB42 3EY 1 0 57.600017 -1.873314
AB42 3EZ 36 0 57.560809 -1.841628
AB42 3FA 31 0 57.472669 -1.78447
AB42 3FB 29 0 57.473391 -1.786217
AB42 3FF 17 0 57.556338 -1.836651
AB42 3FG 5 0 57.558405 -1.83736
AB42 3GL 5 5 57.48494 -1.813486
AB42 3GX 3 3 57.491303 -1.803428