all postcodes in AB42 / PETERHEAD

find any address or company within the AB42 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB42 5DG 2 0 57.501189 -2.063729
AB42 5DH 4 0 57.503834 -2.054539
AB42 5DJ 11 1 57.500869 -2.030073
AB42 5DN 55 2 57.505244 -2.04576
AB42 5DP 31 1 57.502046 -2.046273
AB42 5DQ 19 0 57.503098 -2.044205
AB42 5DR 39 0 57.503303 -2.048794
AB42 5DS 5 0 57.505919 -2.064451
AB42 5DT 4 0 57.496133 -2.071908
AB42 5DU 5 0 57.495692 -2.054723
AB42 5DW 1 0 57.48998 -2.054081
AB42 5DX 4 0 57.488579 -2.071059
AB42 5DY 12 0 57.49285 -2.041807
AB42 5DZ 6 1 57.486371 -2.047054
AB42 5EA 2 0 57.481475 -2.032992
AB42 5EB 13 3 57.526315 -2.020089
AB42 5ED 3 0 57.524771 -2.006464
AB42 5EE 43 9 57.525095 -2.006731
AB42 5EF 15 0 57.525867 -2.00421
AB42 5EG 16 0 57.520586 -1.99683