all postcodes in AB42 / PETERHEAD

find any address or company within the AB42 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB42 5EH 21 9 57.524547 -2.002456
AB42 5EJ 37 4 57.524843 -1.99728
AB42 5EL 47 11 57.523325 -2.000303
AB42 5EP 1 0 57.502855 -2.045857
AB42 5EQ 30 0 57.52311 -1.998483
AB42 5ER 28 0 57.5239 -1.996446
AB42 5ES 57 0 57.521538 -1.994943
AB42 5ET 8 0 57.501992 -2.047291
AB42 5EW 22 0 57.519957 -1.998416
AB42 5FA 9 0 57.521223 -2.009685
AB42 5FB 28 0 57.521097 -2.010019
AB42 5FD 36 0 57.521304 -2.00658
AB42 5FE 24 0 57.521969 -2.00643
AB42 5FF 26 0 57.52169 -2.006196
AB42 5FG 24 0 57.522319 -2.006847
AB42 5FH 24 0 57.522687 -2.007715
AB42 5FJ 7 0 57.520136 -1.995378
AB42 5FL 29 0 57.5059 -2.044309
AB42 5FN 1 1 57.524546 -2.013192
AB42 5FP 31 0 57.523469 -2.00244