all postcodes in AB42 / PETERHEAD

find any address or company within the AB42 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB42 5HH 12 4 57.525912 -2.001471
AB42 5HJ 16 0 57.52222 -1.997615
AB42 5HL 7 0 57.523289 -1.995027
AB42 5HN 9 1 57.503331 -2.046775
AB42 5HP 2 1 57.501673 -2.044908
AB42 5HQ 20 0 57.522598 -1.998165
AB42 5HR 31 0 57.502243 -2.048926
AB42 5HS 25 0 57.522975 -1.994776
AB42 5HT 17 0 57.502404 -2.050312
AB42 5HW 16 0 57.520379 -1.998015
AB42 5JA 7 1 57.518594 -2.040368
AB42 5JB 2 0 57.52033 -2.043095
AB42 5JN 14 0 57.518612 -2.039132
AB42 5JR 3 0 57.530239 -2.026353
AB42 5JS 3 0 57.524041 -2.040929
AB42 5JT 1 0 57.522119 -2.039641
AB42 5JX 3 0 57.515403 -2.047692
AB42 5JY 1 0 57.522055 -2.057301
AB42 5JZ 1 0 57.51379 -2.059975
AB42 5LA 4 0 57.51442 -2.02968