all postcodes in AB42 / PETERHEAD

find any address or company within the AB42 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB42 5LD 1 1 57.519012 -2.022639
AB42 5LJ 14 2 57.518846 -2.037413
AB42 5LN 32 0 57.519819 -2.040423
AB42 5LR 16 0 57.523694 -1.99506
AB42 5LX 4 0 57.503772 -2.044306
AB42 5LY 22 7 57.522194 -2.125486
AB42 5NR 10 0 57.518771 -2.126108
AB42 5NS 1 0 57.513214 -2.122367
AB42 5NT 1 0 57.513277 -2.113454
AB42 5NU 6 0 57.508209 -2.124086
AB42 5NW 4 0 57.502191 -2.114237
AB42 5NX 2 0 57.5193 -2.100805
AB42 5PA 1 0 57.520117 -2.10845
AB42 5PB 3 0 57.5382 -2.106383
AB42 5PD 6 0 57.547301 -2.104672
AB42 5PE 2 0 57.511684 -2.086914
AB42 5PF 4 0 57.509592 -2.105298
AB42 5PG 2 0 57.49277 -2.106837
AB42 5PH 1 0 57.497038 -2.10049
AB42 5PJ 1 0 57.53974 -2.0897