all postcodes in AB42 / PETERHEAD

find any address or company within the AB42 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB42 5PL 2 0 57.517433 -2.087312
AB42 5PN 5 0 57.523698 -2.08916
AB42 5PP 5 0 57.513587 -2.075301
AB42 5PQ 3 0 57.518971 -2.09217
AB42 5PR 6 0 57.504193 -2.094085
AB42 5PS 6 0 57.491459 -2.090549
AB42 5PU 2 0 57.493482 -2.123138
AB42 5PW 1 0 57.49088 -2.117087
AB42 5PX 5 0 57.498518 -2.123319
AB42 5RE 7 0 57.488134 -2.155576
AB42 5RF 2 0 57.490566 -2.153172
AB42 5RG 1 0 57.49776 -2.15842
AB42 5RH 6 0 57.501086 -2.164008
AB42 5RQ 4 0 57.514155 -2.141883
AB42 5RR 3 0 57.503661 -2.143661
AB42 5RS 7 0 57.498624 -2.149848
AB42 5SE 3 0 57.508624 -2.162423
AB42 5RT 1 0 57.495865 -2.151355
AB42 5RW 1 0 57.505298 -2.171035
AB42 5RX 1 0 57.491846 -2.174859