all postcodes in AB43 / FRASERBURGH

find any address or company within the AB43 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB43 7BQ 6 1 57.657311 -2.058738
AB43 7BR 6 0 57.650229 -2.065428
AB43 7BT 6 0 57.639993 -2.089111
AB43 7BU 3 0 57.632834 -2.100799
AB43 7BW 18 0 57.696176 -2.060898
AB43 7BX 11 1 57.641055 -2.098426
AB43 7BY 3 0 57.657009 -2.108055
AB43 7BZ 15 0 57.677962 -2.028121
AB43 7DA 2 0 57.665751 -2.097376
AB43 7DB 4 1 57.655012 -2.078798
AB43 7DD 7 0 57.669872 -2.068163
AB43 7DE 4 1 57.665746 -2.099734
AB43 7DF 19 0 57.694332 -2.065273
AB43 7DG 12 0 57.654005 -2.130851
AB43 7DH 3 0 57.675069 -2.100748
AB43 7DJ 7 1 57.66912 -2.133101
AB43 7DL 9 0 57.659914 -2.113426
AB43 7DN 4 0 57.656196 -2.122547
AB43 7DP 9 0 57.65274 -2.129489
AB43 7DQ 15 1 57.648433 -2.13321