all postcodes in AB43 / FRASERBURGH

find any address or company within the AB43 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB43 6SS 46 1 57.586529 -2.090117
AB43 6ST 54 3 57.587155 -2.093597
AB43 6SU 35 1 57.588291 -2.088616
AB43 6SW 3 0 57.58712 -2.092928
AB43 6SX 48 1 57.587472 -2.090253
AB43 6SY 40 0 57.586938 -2.084264
AB43 6SZ 12 0 57.58915 -2.093218
AB43 6TB 7 0 57.568969 -2.090157
AB43 6TD 7 1 57.563257 -2.07393
AB43 6TE 6 0 57.560777 -2.059401
AB43 6TF 5 0 57.585074 -2.090849
AB43 6TH 26 1 57.584255 -2.104276
AB43 6TJ 5 0 57.582828 -2.123069
AB43 6TL 8 0 57.577704 -2.127232
AB43 6TN 6 0 57.576062 -2.108772
AB43 6TP 2 0 57.562988 -2.103986
AB43 6TQ 4 0 57.58564 -2.0908
AB43 6TS 14 1 57.58529 -2.089963
AB43 6TT 15 1 57.588422 -2.093082
AB43 6TU 12 0 57.588649 -2.090557