all postcodes in AB44 / MACDUFF

find any address or company within the AB44 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB44 1NP 11 0 57.667163 -2.492224
AB44 1NQ 23 0 57.667159 -2.493113
AB44 1NR 4 0 57.667714 -2.49126
AB44 1NS 17 0 57.66693 -2.491886
AB44 1NT 5 0 57.666234 -2.493217
AB44 1NX 4 0 57.667114 -2.49095
AB44 1PA 4 0 57.667295 -2.490466
AB44 1PB 4 1 57.667785 -2.489249
AB44 1PD 29 0 57.666502 -2.491143
AB44 1PE 2 0 57.664158 -2.493947
AB44 1PF 12 0 57.663341 -2.488787
AB44 1PG 10 0 57.663139 -2.485181
AB44 1PH 12 0 57.663419 -2.484816
AB44 1PJ 9 0 57.664896 -2.492948
AB44 1PL 19 0 57.664198 -2.492452
AB44 1PN 38 0 57.664653 -2.490916
AB44 1PP 16 0 57.664197 -2.49034
AB44 1PQ 14 0 57.66447 -2.489305
AB44 1PR 11 3 57.665924 -2.489643
AB44 1PS 21 2 57.666342 -2.488358