all postcodes in AB44 / MACDUFF

find any address or company within the AB44 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB44 1PT 48 1 57.665601 -2.487191
AB44 1PU 14 0 57.662806 -2.483064
AB44 1PW 24 0 57.663648 -2.485975
AB44 1PX 52 0 57.666697 -2.48729
AB44 1PY 27 0 57.663914 -2.486767
AB44 1PZ 34 0 57.662512 -2.484586
AB44 1QA 28 0 57.666796 -2.484894
AB44 1QB 16 0 57.667206 -2.485554
AB44 1QD 15 0 57.667454 -2.486479
AB44 1QE 10 0 57.671385 -2.494411
AB44 1QF 11 0 57.662652 -2.487889
AB44 1QG 6 0 57.663391 -2.487246
AB44 1QH 25 0 57.662759 -2.485913
AB44 1QJ 14 2 57.669637 -2.495879
AB44 1QL 1 1 57.66995 -2.496101
AB44 1QN 23 0 57.670281 -2.494211
AB44 1QP 1 0 57.67102 -2.494124
AB44 1QQ 1 0 57.671558 -2.494232
AB44 1QR 4 0 57.671736 -2.494147
AB44 1QS 2 0 57.67134 -2.494983