all postcodes in AB44 / MACDUFF

find any address or company within the AB44 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB44 1QT 8 3 57.671758 -2.495422
AB44 1QU 10 0 57.663583 -2.49107
AB44 1QW 50 0 57.663256 -2.492104
AB44 1QX 67 0 57.668672 -2.487601
AB44 1QZ 33 0 57.662979 -2.491682
AB44 1RB 3 0 57.672045 -2.495476
AB44 1RD 2 2 57.671851 -2.492844
AB44 1RE 27 2 57.67195 -2.494653
AB44 1RF 5 0 57.671904 -2.49477
AB44 1RJ 9 0 57.671335 -2.493404
AB44 1RL 10 1 57.670771 -2.493011
AB44 1RN 10 1 57.670261 -2.492367
AB44 1RP 9 0 57.669578 -2.490178
AB44 1RQ 8 0 57.670144 -2.490102
AB44 1RR 7 0 57.669902 -2.489898
AB44 1RS 5 0 57.670473 -2.488766
AB44 1RX 8 0 57.670736 -2.488015
AB44 1SA 12 2 57.671126 -2.487048
AB44 1SB 4 0 57.671059 -2.488002
AB44 1SD 6 0 57.671192 -2.49082