all postcodes in AB55 / KEITH

find any address or company within the AB55 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB55 5FD 68 0 57.539206 -2.965389
AB55 5FE 36 0 57.546895 -2.946446
AB55 5FF 5 0 57.542531 -2.952163
AB55 5FG 4 0 57.543137 -2.955202
AB55 5FH 7 4 57.54045 -2.944641
AB55 5FJ 13 0 57.539567 -2.949713
AB55 5FN 11 0 57.538065 -2.965376
AB55 5FP 28 0 57.53927 -2.964071
AB55 5FQ 1 0 57.546396 -2.956624
AB55 5FR 24 0 57.541347 -2.955506
AB55 5FS 6 0 57.547319 -2.952355
AB55 5FT 18 0 57.538253 -2.964345
AB55 5FU 5 0 57.546122 -2.956032
AB55 5FW 16 0 57.546428 -2.94767
AB55 5FX 25 0 57.546961 -2.949857
AB55 5GB 3 3 57.550465 -2.953306
AB55 5GF 1 1 57.542354 -2.967243
AB55 5GG 4 0 57.536464 -2.950317
AB55 5GH 5 0 57.549789 -2.952252
AB55 5GJ 11 0 57.542111 -2.953121