all postcodes in AB55 / KEITH

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Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB55 5GL 1 0 57.542385 -2.953629
AB55 5GP 13 0 57.54208 -2.957229
AB55 5GS 2 2 57.54394 -2.945351
AB55 5GT 3 3 57.545649 -2.945078
AB55 5GU 2 0 57.535164 -2.94656
AB55 5GX 3 0 57.548406 -2.948758
AB55 5HA 18 0 57.543793 -2.949188
AB55 5HB 3 1 57.542619 -2.947621
AB55 5HD 4 0 57.542513 -2.947586
AB55 5HE 33 1 57.540099 -2.94824
AB55 5HF 19 1 57.539011 -2.948463
AB55 5HG 17 0 57.536679 -2.949187
AB55 5HH 28 0 57.537661 -2.948695
AB55 5HJ 29 1 57.538307 -2.946407
AB55 5HL 25 0 57.538876 -2.947273
AB55 5HN 1 1 57.552414 -2.948545
AB55 5HP 22 0 57.544192 -2.947545
AB55 5HS 5 0 57.536812 -2.965927
AB55 5HT 6 1 57.520579 -2.989474
AB55 5HU 11 0 57.536687 -2.948118