all postcodes in AB56 / BUCKIE

find any address or company within the AB56 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB56 5JR 2 0 57.633097 -2.920804
AB56 5JU 3 0 57.631105 -2.930148
AB56 5JY 1 0 57.631079 -2.934886
AB56 5LB 12 0 57.638472 -2.95526
AB56 5LD 2 0 57.645639 -2.955632
AB56 5LE 3 0 57.648565 -2.952208
AB56 5PF 28 0 57.662075 -3.011275
AB56 5PG 12 0 57.661716 -3.012254
AB56 5QN 9 0 57.664451 -3.0129
AB56 5QP 14 0 57.664014 -3.012536
AB56 5QQ 3 0 57.664827 -3.011921
AB56 5QR 46 0 57.664821 -3.009289
AB56 5QS 16 1 57.663931 -3.015064
AB56 5QT 27 0 57.663466 -3.023867
AB56 5QW 2 0 57.663684 -3.014654
AB56 5QX 33 0 57.663154 -3.011104
AB56 5RA 32 1 57.662702 -3.015885
AB56 5RB 14 0 57.661481 -3.019236
AB56 5RD 38 0 57.66112 -3.014969
AB56 5RE 4 0 57.661537 -3.017796