all postcodes in AB56 / BUCKIE

find any address or company within the AB56 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB56 5RF 1 0 57.663949 -3.012819
AB56 5RG 11 1 57.663897 -3.013706
AB56 5RH 12 0 57.663814 -3.013032
AB56 5RJ 45 0 57.661796 -3.015776
AB56 5RU 5 0 57.664831 -3.011486
AB56 5RW 4 0 57.664853 -3.010983
AB56 5RY 10 1 57.663516 -3.018589
AB56 5RZ 4 1 57.663301 -3.01989
AB56 5SE 10 0 57.662947 -3.021456
AB56 5SF 8 0 57.66318 -3.021228
AB56 5TL 7 0 57.66389 -3.01679
AB56 5TP 2 0 57.65615 -2.811574
AB56 5TQ 6 0 57.657585 -2.808756
AB56 5TR 2 0 57.648268 -2.810711
AB56 5TS 1 0 57.640471 -2.800704
AB56 5TT 3 0 57.637109 -2.806962
AB56 5TX 1 0 57.641294 -2.812633
AB56 5UA 13 0 57.642161 -2.825533
AB56 5UB 1 0 57.645622 -2.829348
AB56 5UD 2 0 57.635236 -2.840668