all postcodes in B13 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B13 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B13 0LN 25 0 52.42318 -1.868359
B13 0LP 38 0 52.422167 -1.870715
B13 0LQ 25 0 52.422713 -1.868581
B13 0LR 26 0 52.423317 -1.870241
B13 0LS 8 0 52.423391 -1.872064
B13 0LU 40 0 52.419472 -1.872605
B13 0LX 18 0 52.419832 -1.872707
B13 0LY 41 0 52.419891 -1.868913
B13 0LZ 56 0 52.420366 -1.86775
B13 0NA 27 0 52.420165 -1.872912
B13 0NB 31 0 52.42013 -1.86556
B13 0ND 32 0 52.420333 -1.862663
B13 0NE 34 2 52.420755 -1.86247
B13 0NG 27 0 52.421072 -1.863998
B13 0NH 41 0 52.421727 -1.862967
B13 0NJ 12 0 52.422017 -1.86476
B13 0NL 20 0 52.421379 -1.865703
B13 0NN 24 0 52.421047 -1.865866
B13 0NP 32 0 52.421106 -1.870851
B13 0NQ 31 0 52.422258 -1.863392