all postcodes in B13 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B13 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B13 0NR 20 0 52.421149 -1.868454
B13 0NS 3 1 52.420991 -1.87191
B13 0NT 20 0 52.420442 -1.871411
B13 0NW 33 0 52.420682 -1.86922
B13 0NX 29 0 52.425331 -1.887544
B13 0NY 25 0 52.425044 -1.888442
B13 0NZ 27 0 52.424379 -1.888576
B13 0PA 19 0 52.423351 -1.88602
B13 0PB 35 0 52.422786 -1.88733
B13 0PD 16 0 52.422887 -1.889594
B13 0PE 34 0 52.423066 -1.887918
B13 0PF 15 0 52.422834 -1.890594
B13 0PG 41 1 52.421905 -1.890399
B13 0PH 11 0 52.422506 -1.885463
B13 0PJ 40 0 52.421442 -1.882775
B13 0PL 49 0 52.420782 -1.87863
B13 0PN 35 1 52.420372 -1.876566
B13 0PQ 31 0 52.422463 -1.887654
B13 0PR 18 0 52.420844 -1.877439
B13 0PS 32 0 52.419431 -1.876222