all postcodes in B13 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B13 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B13 0PT 50 2 52.424561 -1.872929
B13 0PX 28 0 52.425582 -1.886985
B13 0PY 22 0 52.423846 -1.885695
B13 0QA 6 0 52.423301 -1.883984
B13 0QB 25 0 52.423986 -1.882239
B13 0QD 2 0 52.424046 -1.882732
B13 0QE 19 0 52.424627 -1.884487
B13 0QF 22 0 52.426354 -1.88585
B13 0QG 20 0 52.426103 -1.886277
B13 0QH 16 0 52.425165 -1.88353
B13 0QJ 22 0 52.42674 -1.88479
B13 0QL 19 0 52.42682 -1.884158
B13 0QN 21 0 52.425029 -1.882795
B13 0QP 23 1 52.423743 -1.88174
B13 0QQ 25 0 52.424204 -1.884841
B13 0QR 38 0 52.42181 -1.88223
B13 0QS 23 8 52.421372 -1.878916
B13 0QT 3 0 52.422038 -1.87937
B13 0QU 13 0 52.428507 -1.881256
B13 0QX 30 0 52.428048 -1.880831