all postcodes in B15 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B15 3RE 14 0 52.459021 -1.928608
B15 3RH 10 0 52.460984 -1.93355
B15 3RJ 17 0 52.4653 -1.935059
B15 3RL 52 0 52.464077 -1.935032
B15 3RN 20 0 52.464293 -1.935458
B15 3RP 5 1 52.463438 -1.933929
B15 3RQ 5 0 52.461965 -1.936359
B15 3RR 6 0 52.46254 -1.935505
B15 3RS 28 0 52.46157 -1.936154
B15 3RT 20 0 52.46157 -1.936154
B15 3RU 31 0 52.461318 -1.935727
B15 3RW 8 0 52.463341 -1.935813
B15 3RX 21 0 52.461093 -1.936684
B15 3RY 24 0 52.460563 -1.936302
B15 3RZ 8 0 52.461119 -1.934638
B15 3SA 9 0 52.459385 -1.935068
B15 3SD 23 0 52.459842 -1.933669
B15 3SH 71 1 52.466646 -1.921672
B15 3SJ 8 2 52.466075 -1.923003
B15 3SR 6 0 52.462657 -1.920683