all postcodes in B15 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B15 3SS 40 0 52.463135 -1.922714
B15 3ST 5 0 52.461785 -1.920847
B15 3SY 1 1 52.467232 -1.933481
B15 3TA 2 0 52.461384 -1.917148
B15 3TB 1 1 52.460974 -1.918081
B15 3TE 48 0 52.463873 -1.924258
B15 3TF 38 0 52.46396 -1.92487
B15 3TH 4 0 52.467235 -1.924326
B15 3TJ 8 0 52.466758 -1.923252
B15 3TL 10 0 52.46738 -1.925385
B15 3TN 1 1 52.468243 -1.926046
B15 3TP 18 0 52.466733 -1.925224
B15 3TQ 19 6 52.467125 -1.935528
B15 3TR 10 6 52.46706 -1.931671
B15 3TS 1 1 52.467004 -1.927535
B15 3TT 1 1 52.466693 -1.934336
B15 3TX 9 0 52.467743 -1.931302
B15 3TY 25 0 52.466352 -1.935337
B15 3UA 16 0 52.465418 -1.936531
B15 3UB 8 0 52.46629 -1.938046