all postcodes in B18 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B18 5NX 9 1 52.492085 -1.912618
B18 5NY 17 6 52.491555 -1.913135
B18 5NZ 1 1 52.492526 -1.913678
B18 5PB 3 3 52.492346 -1.913929
B18 5PL 45 0 52.493877 -1.917976
B18 5PN 13 1 52.492624 -1.917384
B18 5PW 17 1 52.492178 -1.916919
B18 5PZ 1 1 52.492105 -1.916477
B18 5QB 2 1 52.491673 -1.919359
B18 5QG 16 0 52.492027 -1.919703
B18 5QH 42 0 52.493591 -1.920186
B18 5QJ 11 0 52.493232 -1.921394
B18 5QL 3 0 52.491737 -1.916964
B18 5QN 4 0 52.491467 -1.91667
B18 5QP 8 0 52.494375 -1.923012
B18 5QQ 38 0 52.492761 -1.919534
B18 5QR 7 0 52.493719 -1.923279
B18 5QS 40 0 52.493431 -1.921998
B18 5QT 14 0 52.494231 -1.922556
B18 5QU 12 0 52.492182 -1.923164