all postcodes in B18 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B18 5QX 16 0 52.492605 -1.924105
B18 5RA 20 0 52.49239 -1.925107
B18 5RB 19 0 52.494225 -1.926577
B18 5RD 20 0 52.494117 -1.926283
B18 5RE 7 3 52.495591 -1.925956
B18 5RH 25 0 52.494108 -1.927432
B18 5RJ 5 0 52.493515 -1.928184
B18 5RL 15 0 52.493407 -1.926696
B18 5RP 18 0 52.493401 -1.931571
B18 5RR 8 0 52.492637 -1.932162
B18 5RT 58 0 52.49437 -1.928462
B18 5RU 23 0 52.492366 -1.93063
B18 5RW 30 0 52.492645 -1.930586
B18 5RX 22 0 52.493166 -1.930659
B18 5RY 60 0 52.492006 -1.930263
B18 5SD 2 2 52.493874 -1.932405
B18 5SE 24 0 52.494563 -1.936489
B18 5SG 22 0 52.494905 -1.937726
B18 5SH 15 0 52.494959 -1.938241
B18 5SJ 9 0 52.494717 -1.939125