all postcodes in B18 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B18 5SL 48 0 52.492014 -1.928275
B18 5SP 23 0 52.492895 -1.928553
B18 5SR 7 7 52.497831 -1.92825
B18 5ST 4 2 52.497391 -1.928884
B18 5TD 3 3 52.497858 -1.929237
B18 5TE 8 1 52.498434 -1.929884
B18 5TR 11 1 52.500026 -1.932003
B18 5TS 9 2 52.497202 -1.929901
B18 5SN 25 0 52.49294 -1.927934
B18 5SQ 36 0 52.492733 -1.927021
B18 5PP 1 1 52.49507 -1.918013
B18 5BN 36 0 52.492953 -1.9246
B18 5BT 33 0 52.493379 -1.925562
B18 5ED 0 52.495919 -1.933703
B18 5BD 3 0 52.493181 -1.916602
B18 6EL 120 6 52.491076 -1.910102
B18 6AA 15 6 52.489966 -1.908788
B18 6AH 1 1 52.489708 -1.908249
B18 6AQ 10 2 52.489093 -1.907406
B18 6AR 13 4 52.48782 -1.907561