all postcodes in B23 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B23 5RE 0 52.531979 -1.847751
B23 5RG 0 52.533688 -1.848187
B23 5RH 0 52.536584 -1.849091
B23 5RJ 0 52.537033 -1.848588
B23 5RN 0 52.53321 -1.847422
B23 5RP 0 52.53221 -1.845819
B23 5RR 0 52.532353 -1.844786
B23 5RS 2 52.532081 -1.843416
B23 5RT 0 52.532477 -1.843724
B23 5RU 0 52.532593 -1.842707
B23 5RX 0 52.532681 -1.841645
B23 5SA 0 52.532802 -1.840341
B23 5SB 1 52.535074 -1.837959
B23 5SD 0 52.535141 -1.838717
B23 5SE 0 52.531824 -1.839127
B23 5SF 0 52.532481 -1.839685
B23 5SG 2 52.531538 -1.840632
B23 5SH 0 52.53161 -1.847
B23 5SN 4 52.531925 -1.840984
B23 5SR 0 52.533585 -1.83859