all postcodes in B23 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B23 5SS 0 52.532712 -1.837886
B23 5ST 0 52.533979 -1.837159
B23 5SU 0 52.533612 -1.838045
B23 5SX 0 52.533429 -1.835923
B23 5SY 0 52.533266 -1.835451
B23 5SZ 0 52.533688 -1.834801
B23 5TA 0 52.535632 -1.836622
B23 5TB 0 52.535253 -1.835473
B23 5TE 16 52.534129 -1.830709
B23 5TH 1 52.534307 -1.830118
B23 5TJ 2 52.534308 -1.828592
B23 5TL 0 52.534849 -1.829608
B23 5TN 13 52.534496 -1.827486
B23 5TS 0 52.530708 -1.833995
B23 5TW 2 52.533891 -1.827923
B23 5TZ 0 52.531377 -1.834574
B23 5UB 0 52.530764 -1.833102
B23 5UD 0 52.531356 -1.832407
B23 5UE 0 52.531949 -1.831756
B23 5UF 0 52.532523 -1.83112