all postcodes in B23 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B23 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B23 5LQ 0 52.538985 -1.849982
B23 5LR 0 52.538548 -1.852859
B23 5LS 0 52.538304 -1.859244
B23 5LT 0 52.538346 -1.856501
B23 5LW 0 52.539 -1.85501
B23 5LX 1 52.53789 -1.858685
B23 5LY 0 52.537913 -1.855205
B23 5ND 0 52.531788 -1.853117
B23 5NE 0 52.533008 -1.850931
B23 5NG 0 52.533977 -1.849218
B23 5NH 0 52.533131 -1.848764
B23 5NJ 0 52.532845 -1.850224
B23 5NL 0 52.532241 -1.848575
B23 5NN 0 52.531884 -1.850272
B23 5NP 0 52.532495 -1.850727
B23 5NQ 0 52.535637 -1.839821
B23 5NR 0 52.532326 -1.851995
B23 5NS 2 52.533433 -1.852581
B23 5NT 0 52.534078 -1.850721
B23 5NU 0 52.534759 -1.84954