all postcodes in B23 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B23 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B23 5NX 1 52.535342 -1.850519
B23 5NY 0 52.534331 -1.852165
B23 5PA 0 52.534269 -1.853065
B23 5PD 0 52.53474 -1.855363
B23 5PE 0 52.533372 -1.854291
B23 5PF 0 52.534534 -1.856381
B23 5PG 1 52.534543 -1.855894
B23 5PH 0 52.535247 -1.85828
B23 5PN 4 52.534316 -1.840725
B23 5PP 0 52.534124 -1.8445
B23 5PR 0 52.535172 -1.841902
B23 5PS 0 52.535587 -1.842844
B23 5PT 0 52.536002 -1.844316
B23 5PU 0 52.535247 -1.844216
B23 5PW 0 52.534504 -1.840135
B23 5PX 0 52.535147 -1.843184
B23 5PY 0 52.534419 -1.843806
B23 5PZ 0 52.534203 -1.843291
B23 5QA 0 52.53439 -1.841978
B23 5QB 0 52.534902 -1.84205