all postcodes in B29 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B29 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B29 5SA 14 0 52.445123 -1.971046
B29 5SD 4 0 52.445254 -1.970569
B29 5SE 25 0 52.445563 -1.969368
B29 5SG 6 0 52.445679 -1.967397
B29 5SH 71 1 52.445543 -1.963925
B29 5SJ 36 0 52.445174 -1.963263
B29 5SL 3 0 52.445686 -1.960129
B29 5SN 50 1 52.444338 -1.96219
B29 5SP 8 0 52.444788 -1.962851
B29 5SR 12 0 52.443845 -1.965574
B29 5SS 19 0 52.444177 -1.966015
B29 5ST 8 0 52.444555 -1.965161
B29 5SU 8 0 52.444905 -1.965794
B29 5SW 27 0 52.444644 -1.962337
B29 5SX 13 0 52.445211 -1.966573
B29 5SY 24 0 52.444555 -1.966338
B29 5TA 16 0 52.444887 -1.964911
B29 5TB 20 0 52.444672 -1.967412
B29 5TD 1 0 52.443728 -1.967222
B29 5TE 17 1 52.442667 -1.967855