all postcodes in B29 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B29 5QP 20 0 52.438794 -1.974772
B29 5QS 33 0 52.440996 -1.968813
B29 5QT 43 0 52.439684 -1.971976
B29 5QU 11 1 52.440717 -1.968121
B29 5QW 23 0 52.438318 -1.974095
B29 5QX 18 0 52.4398 -1.969725
B29 5QY 19 0 52.439432 -1.971388
B29 5RA 10 0 52.439468 -1.970726
B29 5RB 2 0 52.438278 -1.972074
B29 5RD 42 0 52.438704 -1.970329
B29 5RE 41 0 52.439315 -1.970211
B29 5RJ 31 0 52.441509 -1.971534
B29 5RN 31 0 52.440889 -1.973682
B29 5RP 11 0 52.441213 -1.97455
B29 5RR 14 1 52.441402 -1.976609
B29 5RS 20 1 52.441043 -1.977727
B29 5RT 38 1 52.441794 -1.976
B29 5RU 16 0 52.441869 -1.972387
B29 5RX 14 0 52.442173 -1.969503
B29 5RY 31 0 52.444062 -1.971017