all postcodes in B33 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B33 0SJ 8 5 52.475008 -1.778089
B33 0SL 27 27 52.475762 -1.774766
B33 0SP 1 1 52.473267 -1.774888
B33 0SR 1 1 52.475559 -1.774936
B33 0TG 9 9 52.47278 -1.774317
B33 0SU 2 2 52.473736 -1.775534
B33 0TD 31 30 52.473369 -1.776772
B33 0TJ 14 13 52.472947 -1.772314
B33 0TR 36 0 52.472944 -1.780234
B33 0TS 25 0 52.47087 -1.781761
B33 0TT 32 0 52.470156 -1.781478
B33 0TU 14 0 52.470886 -1.780568
B33 0TX 13 0 52.470586 -1.778877
B33 0TY 20 0 52.470579 -1.779863
B33 0TZ 28 0 52.470073 -1.778202
B33 0UA 32 0 52.471205 -1.778211
B33 0UB 7 1 52.47172 -1.779342
B33 0UD 1 1 52.47269 -1.778689
B33 0UE 22 11 52.475008 -1.778089
B33 0UJ 4 0 52.474743 -1.780784