all postcodes in B33 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B33 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B33 0RA 7 0 52.46642 -1.771862
B33 0RB 21 0 52.467598 -1.769214
B33 0RG 13 0 52.470717 -1.776903
B33 0RH 64 0 52.470298 -1.773858
B33 0RJ 15 1 52.469082 -1.772599
B33 0RL 60 0 52.469098 -1.771774
B33 0RN 11 0 52.469594 -1.776835
B33 0RP 22 0 52.469646 -1.77604
B33 0RQ 21 0 52.470589 -1.775388
B33 0RR 26 0 52.469391 -1.774408
B33 0RS 37 0 52.468709 -1.775073
B33 0RT 25 0 52.46826 -1.775135
B33 0RU 30 0 52.467611 -1.774564
B33 0RX 51 0 52.467068 -1.776892
B33 0RY 28 0 52.467518 -1.777567
B33 0SA 28 0 52.469072 -1.776956
B33 0SD 1 1 52.472694 -1.771284
B33 0SE 21 1 52.476469 -1.780688
B33 0SF 15 0 52.4753 -1.780634
B33 0SG 10 10 52.476691 -1.77917