all postcodes in B33 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B33 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B33 0LJ 37 0 52.477896 -1.765236
B33 0LL 24 0 52.47614 -1.763773
B33 0LN 30 0 52.476937 -1.762311
B33 0LP 43 0 52.476352 -1.762034
B33 0LQ 2 2 52.479895 -1.773125
B33 0LR 46 2 52.475597 -1.762097
B33 0LS 62 0 52.475898 -1.759681
B33 0LT 38 1 52.475792 -1.760432
B33 0LU 1 1 52.475361 -1.760906
B33 0LW 13 0 52.477375 -1.76088
B33 0LX 2 0 52.477428 -1.760512
B33 0LY 30 0 52.477968 -1.760921
B33 0LZ 30 0 52.478966 -1.761078
B33 0NA 30 2 52.479513 -1.760221
B33 0NB 16 0 52.480854 -1.761038
B33 0ND 27 2 52.482013 -1.760458
B33 0NE 21 0 52.476984 -1.758895
B33 0NG 31 1 52.479732 -1.770909
B33 0NH 25 0 52.477959 -1.769858
B33 0NJ 27 0 52.477876 -1.768917