all postcodes in B33 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B33 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B33 0NL 41 0 52.475529 -1.768443
B33 0NN 2 0 52.472897 -1.766772
B33 0NP 4 0 52.47336 -1.764267
B33 0NR 60 0 52.472794 -1.762922
B33 0NT 8 0 52.471921 -1.762691
B33 0NU 27 4 52.473659 -1.763948
B33 0NW 19 16 52.472943 -1.765586
B33 0NX 22 0 52.474945 -1.764309
B33 0NY 14 0 52.47563 -1.765189
B33 0NZ 15 0 52.475955 -1.765673
B33 0PB 26 0 52.478424 -1.768884
B33 0PD 29 0 52.476917 -1.765992
B33 0PE 17 0 52.477568 -1.767402
B33 0PG 12 0 52.465765 -1.77266
B33 0PH 28 0 52.464434 -1.772284
B33 0PJ 1 1 52.46377 -1.773229
B33 0PL 42 0 52.463139 -1.772085
B33 0PN 4 0 52.463754 -1.769594
B33 0PQ 26 0 52.464522 -1.771224
B33 0PR 28 0 52.464853 -1.770839