all postcodes in B34 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B34 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B34 7NB 15 0 52.49586 -1.762047
B34 7ND 12 0 52.495754 -1.762887
B34 7NE 14 0 52.495045 -1.763495
B34 7NF 7 0 52.495459 -1.76364
B34 7NG 17 0 52.4955 -1.761695
B34 7NH 33 0 52.496915 -1.759036
B34 7NJ 34 0 52.497147 -1.758092
B34 7NL 17 0 52.495614 -1.760266
B34 7NN 44 0 52.495308 -1.760032
B34 7NP 12 0 52.495998 -1.758923
B34 7PA 13 0 52.490628 -1.775728
B34 7PB 82 65 52.492118 -1.774453
B34 7PD 23 0 52.491587 -1.773941
B34 7PN 7 0 52.493669 -1.772236
B34 7PP 8 0 52.493677 -1.771721
B34 7PR 20 0 52.493522 -1.770632
B34 7PS 11 0 52.492881 -1.769383
B34 7PT 24 2 52.491865 -1.769241
B34 7PX 28 0 52.491134 -1.767787
B34 7PY 26 1 52.492599 -1.767529