all postcodes in B34 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B34 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B34 7RN 11 1 52.497944 -1.769975
B34 7RP 24 0 52.499026 -1.771472
B34 7RR 19 0 52.499339 -1.770925
B34 7RS 32 0 52.499437 -1.770527
B34 7RT 24 0 52.49631 -1.766817
B34 7RU 47 0 52.495728 -1.767689
B34 7RX 20 0 52.494724 -1.770765
B34 7SA 31 0 52.490173 -1.768234
B34 7SB 27 0 52.490297 -1.767055
B34 7SD 23 0 52.490212 -1.765303
B34 7SE 51 0 52.490807 -1.766021
B34 7SF 53 0 52.490759 -1.76449
B34 7SG 16 0 52.490766 -1.76365
B34 7SH 40 0 52.49152 -1.763028
B34 7SJ 38 0 52.491535 -1.761614
B34 7SN 33 0 52.492933 -1.763506
B34 7SQ 37 0 52.490405 -1.762636
B34 7SW 61 0 52.492241 -1.763686
B34 7WD 1 1 52.485731 -1.786871
B34 7SP 0 52.494112 -1.764236