all postcodes in B36 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B36 8QS 22 1 52.50587 -1.814206
B36 8QT 9 0 52.506045 -1.811155
B36 8QU 19 0 52.506868 -1.808559
B36 8QX 11 0 52.506212 -1.808812
B36 8QY 16 1 52.50586 -1.808372
B36 8RA 50 0 52.505529 -1.809124
B36 8RB 50 0 52.505692 -1.810052
B36 8RD 50 0 52.505478 -1.811069
B36 8RE 59 0 52.504925 -1.813827
B36 8RS 27 0 52.508167 -1.800744
B36 8RX 16 0 52.507776 -1.803487
B36 8RY 10 0 52.507544 -1.804401
B36 8SA 12 0 52.507097 -1.805626
B36 8SB 9 0 52.507085 -1.804241
B36 8SH 20 1 52.507621 -1.807613
B36 8SJ 8 0 52.507647 -1.806655
B36 8SL 10 0 52.507869 -1.805328
B36 8SN 10 0 52.507897 -1.806035
B36 8SU 5 0 52.504591 -1.824951
B36 8SW 16 0 52.508113 -1.806063