all postcodes in B36 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B36 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B36 8SX 8 0 52.503828 -1.825691
B36 8SY 30 0 52.50337 -1.825442
B36 8TA 15 0 52.503306 -1.82475
B36 8TB 20 0 52.503763 -1.824041
B36 8TD 13 0 52.50373 -1.826118
B36 8TG 25 0 52.502135 -1.823606
B36 8TH 9 0 52.502873 -1.823882
B36 8TJ 64 0 52.502529 -1.822249
B36 8TL 8 0 52.501827 -1.822075
B36 8TS 56 0 52.505541 -1.816992
B36 8TU 55 0 52.506359 -1.816473
B36 8TX 60 0 52.506359 -1.816473
B36 8TY 10 8 52.506468 -1.817577
B36 8UA 23 0 52.505463 -1.818539
B36 8UB 3 2 52.50671 -1.818999
B36 8UD 45 0 52.504635 -1.818145
B36 8UE 19 0 52.504385 -1.819265
B36 8UG 16 0 52.50533 -1.820072
B36 8UH 23 0 52.504306 -1.82037
B36 8UJ 23 0 52.503679 -1.821846