all postcodes in B37 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B37 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B37 7QS 5 0 52.47187 -1.734176
B37 7QT 68 0 52.472003 -1.733233
B37 7QU 4 0 52.472001 -1.732423
B37 7QX 41 0 52.471265 -1.734378
B37 7QY 10 0 52.470946 -1.734918
B37 7RA 19 0 52.470875 -1.735566
B37 7RB 11 0 52.47136 -1.735357
B37 7RD 38 0 52.472008 -1.735824
B37 7RE 10 0 52.471696 -1.736871
B37 7RG 14 0 52.472364 -1.737971
B37 7RH 16 0 52.473392 -1.73957
B37 7RJ 18 0 52.474204 -1.740934
B37 7RN 51 0 52.473577 -1.741806
B37 7RQ 20 0 52.471536 -1.741598
B37 7RR 8 0 52.478935 -1.733692
B37 7RS 21 0 52.478654 -1.732692
B37 7RT 19 0 52.478742 -1.731985
B37 7RU 44 0 52.472684 -1.740398
B37 7RW 43 1 52.471602 -1.739242
B37 7RX 10 0 52.477412 -1.732096