all postcodes in B37 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B37 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B37 7PR 37 0 52.475174 -1.740207
B37 7PS 44 0 52.47449 -1.74002
B37 7PT 42 0 52.473668 -1.738125
B37 7PU 15 0 52.473343 -1.737612
B37 7PW 20 0 52.476509 -1.738167
B37 7PX 12 0 52.474546 -1.736987
B37 7PY 9 1 52.475294 -1.737659
B37 7QA 13 0 52.476048 -1.737419
B37 7QB 18 0 52.475344 -1.735951
B37 7QD 44 0 52.47539 -1.736496
B37 7QE 21 0 52.474581 -1.736471
B37 7QF 36 0 52.474176 -1.736282
B37 7QG 10 2 52.474254 -1.735163
B37 7QH 47 0 52.473126 -1.737275
B37 7QJ 31 0 52.472757 -1.736703
B37 7QL 33 0 52.472199 -1.736412
B37 7QN 27 0 52.472717 -1.73526
B37 7QP 23 0 52.473769 -1.735195
B37 7QQ 1 1 52.480308 -1.740898
B37 7QR 8 0 52.472067 -1.733998