all postcodes in B40 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B40 1NS 1 1 52.480308 -1.740898
B40 1NT 1 1 52.453063 -1.720052
B40 1PA 6 6 52.452166 -1.723494
B40 1PJ 6 6 52.453452 -1.725068
B40 1PP 1 1 52.45044 -1.715721
B40 1PQ 1 1 52.454251 -1.726836
B40 1PR 1 1 52.480308 -1.740898
B40 1PS 2 2 52.451663 -1.733055
B40 1PW 1 1 52.453805 -1.71308
B40 1QB 1 1 52.463833 -1.714899
B40 1QA 2 2 52.463644 -1.715952
B40 1PU 53 47 52.447684 -1.717519