all postcodes in B49 / ALCESTER

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B49 6QQ 22 1 52.220401 -1.85596
B49 6QR 33 2 52.218546 -1.861382
B49 6QS 19 0 52.218068 -1.860168
B49 6QT 8 0 52.219834 -1.862856
B49 6QU 41 0 52.218193 -1.858982
B49 6QW 21 0 52.220719 -1.85915
B49 6QX 21 0 52.217773 -1.861706
B49 6QY 9 0 52.21727 -1.861942
B49 6RB 19 0 52.216433 -1.861242
B49 6RD 13 0 52.217186 -1.859322
B49 6RE 23 0 52.217277 -1.860112
B49 6RF 12 0 52.216872 -1.860055
B49 6RN 8 0 52.222712 -1.871953
B49 6RP 6 0 52.222226 -1.871632
B49 6RR 5 0 52.221317 -1.871064
B49 6RW 28 0 52.222425 -1.873081
B49 6NG 2 0 52.199207 -1.7959
B49 6ER 8 4 52.225058 -1.860256
B49 6FD 0 52.223716 -1.861497
B49 6FE 0 52.224668 -1.860616