all postcodes in B49 / ALCESTER

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B49 6PJ 7 0 52.211745 -1.857188
B49 6PL 15 0 52.211234 -1.858463
B49 6PP 4 0 52.210917 -1.85681
B49 6PQ 3 3 52.204412 -1.876498
B49 6PR 10 2 52.216893 -1.862616
B49 6PU 20 10 52.224043 -1.872944
B49 6PW 6 5 52.194257 -1.823172
B49 6PX 64 2 52.218316 -1.864222
B49 6PY 16 0 52.219519 -1.862564
B49 6PZ 38 0 52.219167 -1.862039
B49 6QA 25 0 52.219731 -1.859826
B49 6QB 28 0 52.218597 -1.858483
B49 6QD 10 0 52.217859 -1.857622
B49 6QE 4 0 52.219375 -1.85548
B49 6QG 24 0 52.218982 -1.857033
B49 6QH 20 0 52.217128 -1.855927
B49 6QJ 26 0 52.217442 -1.854886
B49 6QL 28 0 52.218439 -1.854634
B49 6QN 2 0 52.22152 -1.856183
B49 6QP 22 0 52.218378 -1.856201