all postcodes in B5 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B5 5QH 2 2 52.478969 -1.885386
B5 5QJ 1 0 52.495953 -1.894214
B5 5QS 5 1 52.479506 -1.88879
B5 5QX 2 1 52.478864 -1.888449
B5 5RA 2 1 52.479663 -1.887843
B5 5RB 1 1 52.48017 -1.887626
B5 5RD 3 2 52.480232 -1.886389
B5 5RF 7 2 52.479491 -1.886842
B5 5RG 6 3 52.480411 -1.886005
B5 5RH 1 0 52.48059 -1.884856
B5 5RR 1 0 52.479313 -1.885169
B5 5RS 4 2 52.478961 -1.883329
B5 5RX 2 0 52.478716 -1.884429
B5 5SA 2 2 52.477474 -1.88324
B5 5SE 21 18 52.478249 -1.881918
B5 5SL 20 5 52.47705 -1.881784
B5 5SR 7 3 52.476328 -1.884234
B5 5SS 1 1 52.47622 -1.883822
B5 5ST 3 0 52.47578 -1.884427
B5 5SU 1 1 52.475457 -1.885753