all postcodes in B5 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B5 6LG 2 0 52.472782 -1.889794
B5 6LS 1 1 52.495953 -1.894214
B5 6LT 9 7 52.47208 -1.892705
B5 6NB 6 1 52.471042 -1.89367
B5 6ND 41 21 52.472369 -1.893809
B5 6NE 1 0 52.47089 -1.894759
B5 6NG 2 1 52.471255 -1.894474
B5 6NU 3 2 52.47366 -1.896019
B5 6QB 2 1 52.472094 -1.898756
B5 6QL 2 2 52.471031 -1.896256
B5 6QN 12 0 52.47073 -1.897321
B5 6QP 16 0 52.470608 -1.895447
B5 6QU 2 0 52.47122 -1.896402
B5 6RD 4 3 52.472698 -1.896139
B5 6RG 4 3 52.473255 -1.896167
B5 6RJ 1 1 52.472501 -1.897582
B5 6RL 1 0 52.470536 -1.891507
B5 6RY 2 2 52.472369 -1.894162
B5 6SD 4 2 52.47258 -1.895418
B5 6SE 11 3 52.473129 -1.895799